Appreciating our Volunteers Across the Country

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2017-04-26T16:09:05+00:00April 26th, 2017|Blog|

Kroger and Random Acts of Flowers team up to deliver beautiful donated flowers (WTHR, 3.31.2017)

Kroger and Random Acts of Flowers team up to deliver beautiful donated flowers (WTHR Indianapolis, 3.31.2017) Whether it’s an anniversary, Valentines or Mother’s Day, flowers seem to convey love more and more. Flowers are also often sent to say “get well” and that’s the focus of an organization relatively new to Indianapolis. Stunning and striking, [...]

2017-04-03T15:51:53+00:00April 3rd, 2017|Newsroom|

Donations bring spring to hospital (The Greenfield Daily Reporter, 3.2.2017)

Donations bring spring to hospital (The Greenfield Daily Reporter, 3.2.2017) The cheerful riot of flower petals spilling out of Cynthia Fincher’s car was only rivaled by the sweet perfume of the arrangements drawing stares from visitors to Hancock Regional Hospital. Fincher, a volunteer for the Hancock Regional Hospital Guild, brought 40 flower arrangements from [...]

2017-03-03T17:31:32+00:00March 3rd, 2017|Newsroom|

Success Story: Larsen Jay (Thoughtfulicious, 1.8.2017)

Success Story: Larsen Jay "Many have written about Larsen Jay and his now nationally-present charity Random Acts of Flowers. However, as it often happens with success, we only see the tip of the iceberg – the end-result, the success – but are not privy to the rest of the story. What happens before success is achieved [...]

Simple Gifts: An Interview with RAF Donor Ruth Onesi

Simple Gifts: An Interview with RAF Donor Ruth Onesi For Ruth Onesi, it would be a more than eight-hour drive from her home in Niagara Falls, NY, to our nearest branch in Indianapolis, IN. And, despite that her donations deliver hope and encouragement to people she will never meet in cities she may never visit, [...]

2016-12-16T20:17:45+00:00December 16th, 2016|Blog|